Under the current copyright law No.43/99/M in Macau, whenever there is a public performance or public communication of musical works, the permission of the local or foreign copyright owner is required before the use may be carried out. As Macau is a member of the Berne Convention, almost all of the local or foreign musical works used in the territory, whether by casinos, hotels, clubhouses, retail shops, beauty and hair salons, restaurants and cafes, bars and pubs, karaokes, saunas, radio and television broadcasters, cable operators, for ring tone downloads, in cinemas or over the Internet would be protected by law for which payment of royalties have to be made for their use by their respective users.
The Macau Association of Composers, Authors & Publishers (MACA) is a collective management organization, or a musical society established under the current law and regulations regarding copyrights in Macau, founded by a dedicated group of local composers led by Mr. Ung Kuoc Iang and supported by the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC). MACA was registered in the Macau Department of Identification and the Economic and Technological Development Bureau, with the aim to effectively ensure the advancement of creator’s moral interests and the defence of the material interests of music creators and publishers. CISAC is a non-for-profit and non-governmental organization which works closely with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Through CISAC, MACA has signed reciprocal agreements with more than forty overseas musical societies and now has a wide coverage of music works from six continents around the globe: Asia (Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, China, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Thailand, Israel, the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia), Europe (the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Iceland, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Sweden, Russia, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Lithuania, Montenegro and Ukraine), Oceania (Australia), North America (the United States and Canada), South America (Brazil, Cuba, Mexico and Argentina), Africa (South Africa), etc. That is to say, most popular music around the world has authorized MACA to manage their performing right and broadcasting right in Macau. The foregoing agreements are estimated to cover more than 90% of all musical works currently being used in Macau.
In addition to these, MACA continues to work with other CISAC member societies throughout the world and enter into reciprocal agreements in order to ensure that music users in Macau only need to go to MACA to obtain a license for the public performance rights in musical works. MACA is here to help music users to use music easily and legally.
In accordance with Article 4 of the statutes of MACA, the objects for which MACA is established are ‘to exercise and enforce on behalf of its members their rights in relation to musical, literary or dramatic works or performances subsisting under the law of copyright or any other intellectual property rights in Macau and in all other countries or territories’. They may be enumerated as follows:
1.Regarding copyright or other intellectual property right
2.Regarding social and cultural activities: