For the area where dancing (including aerobic dancing) is conducted, an additional 20% will be charged on top of the royalty calculated above.
Total Floor Area exceeding 1,000 sq. ft, the Annual Royalty for Visual Music is increased by $948.73 for each additional 500sq.ft (or part thereof) of Floor Area
Exceeding 100 inches
$ 7,828.06
Exceeding 50 inches but not exceeding 100 inches
$ 5,213.90
(ii) Screen diagonal exceeding 50 inches:
Thereafter, each additional screen
$ 948.73
For the first Video Screen
$ 3,315.01
For a floor Area not exceeding 1,000 sq. ft:
Annual Royalty (MOP)
(i) Screen diagonal not exceeding 50 inches:
The Annual Royalty for Visual Music is calculated by reference to the Floor Area in which Visual Music is audible, the number of video screens used, and the size of video screens.
2.3 Visual Music Performance:
Thereafter, for each additional 1,000 sq. ft (or part thereof)
$ 667.74
9,001 sq. ft to 10,000 sq. ft
$ 15,634.24
8,001 sq. ft to 9,000 sq. ft
$ 14,443.99
7,001 sq. ft to 8,000 sq. ft
$ 13,253.74
6,001 sq. ft to 7,000 sq. ft
$ 12,065.07
5,001 sq. ft to 6,000 sq. ft
$ 10,874.82
4,501 sq. ft to 5,000 sq. ft
$ 9,684.58
4,001 sq. ft to 4,500 sq. ft
$ 8,783.21
3,501 sq. ft to 4,000 sq. ft
$ 7,881.84
3,001 sq. ft to 3,500 sq. ft
$ 6,982.05
2,501 sq. ft to 3,000 sq. ft
$ 6,080.68
2,000 sq. ft to 2,500 sq. ft
$ 5,179.31
1,751 sq. ft to 2,000 sq. ft
$ 4,277.94
1,501 sq. ft to 1,750 sq. ft
$ 3,755.44
1,251 sq. ft to 1,500 sq. ft
$ 3,232.93
1,001 sq. ft to 1,250 sq. ft
$ 2,710.42
501 sq. ft to 1,000 sq .ft
$ 2,187.91
Not exceeding 500sq.ft
$ 1,458.61
Floor Area
Annual Royalty (MOP)
2.2.1 Background Music (Mechanical Performance):
2.2 The royalty rates payable under this tariff for a license Year or part thereof are as follows:
2.1 All royalties are charged at the royalty rate in force at the beginning of the License Year, and are payable in advance of the License Year.
- Performance by means of video walls.
- Performances by means of tape-recorders, video players, or similar contrivances in conjunction with special or short-term events such as dancing or fashion shows, exhibitions, road shows etc;
- Live performance by performers in person;
- Performances by means of a contrivance, such as a juke box, capable of being operated by the insertion of a coin or token;
1.2 This tariff does not apply to:
1.1 This tariff applies to performances of copyright music and lyrics within the Society’s repertoire at gymnasium rooms, fitness center, health centers, bath houses, dancing schools, premises for aerobic dancing, or similar premises.