    Hi-Fi Shops & Showrooms  
    1.1 This tariff applies to performance of copyright music and lyrics within the Society’s Repertoire at retail shops and showrooms for the demonstration of musical instruments, hi-fi or other audio-visual equipment. In case of a department store or an emporium, this tariff only applies to that part of the premises where such performance is audible.
    1.2 This tariff does not apply to performances given in connection with, or forming part of entertainments or other events comprising dancing of other sorts of live performance, nor does it apply to performances by means of any contrivances operated by coins or for which there is an admission charge.
    2.1 All royalties are charged at the royalty rate in force at the beginning of the License Year, and are payable in advance of the License Year.
    2.2 The royalty rates payable under this tariff for a License Year or part thereof are as follows:
    Floor Area Annual Royalty (MOP)
    Not exceeding 200 sq. ft. $ 1,177.11
    201 sq. ft. up to 500 sq. ft. $ 1,568.54
    501 sq. ft. up to 1,000 sq. ft. $ 2,352.81
    From 1,001 sq. ft. up to 2,000 sq. ft., for each additional 250 sq. ft. (or part thereof) $ 563.03
    From 2,001 sq. ft. up to 5,000 sq. ft., for each additional 500 sq. ft. (or part thereof) $ 970.05
    Thereafter, for each additional 1,000 sq. ft. (or part thereof) $ 1,280.64
    Starting date of Music Broadcasting: / /
    Total Area sq. ft.